Saturday 5 October 2013

Promotion Decisions, Communicating to masses and individual target groups

Promotion Decisions, Communicating to masses and  individual target groups

Advertising can be a cost-effective way to disseminate messages, to build a brand preference or to educate people regarding the product. Tzinga start by identifying the target market and their buying motives.
Money- Tzinga has not much spend on advertising the product. They have not yet promoted the product in the mainstream television which is a major cost-effect for them. They completely promoting through outdoor advertisement. Their objective of promoting the product is targeting the area of interest. They are relevant to the print and digital advertising.

Mission- Tzinga is a very new product in the market and and their mission is to accompolish the goal of competiting in the market with the biggie and increase sales in the targeted group.

Message- Tzinga is promoting its efficiency through its price promotion and delivering the message of its utilization in the cheap cost
Media- Tzinga is primarily concerned with print & digital media.

Measurement- Tzinga is continuously monitoring customer satisfaction and the sales impact in the targeted group.

Tzinga in a very less time has covered the targeted group and now enlarging it to the corners of the region. They started communicating to the masses by promoting the brand in the live platform and live objectification. They are communicating with the mass through its product effectiveness and not by celebrity promotion.

Tzinga is completely communicating to the targeted groups which is 18-25 students & sportsmen by promoting the product in the right place. School, colleges, sports stadium.

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