Saturday 5 October 2013

Consumers Consumption & buying motives

 Consumers  Consumption & buying motives

Tzinga is a very popular FMCG product  in a very less time and it’s because of the perception and motives behind buying of goods and services by the customers. Customer buying motive depends on various factor and circumstances, right from price, availability  cultural, social, personal, Psychological, occupation and economic factors.
 Tzinga in content  of cultural aspect is based on the consumption and availability of the drink in the surrounding and sometime it becomes a social factors to consume a energy drink as a popular culture in the youth. Whereas price becomes the major advantage for the brand to breakthrough in the market and its availability in the target group section, is helping them to grow and dominating the market without any prime advertising promotion.
People in general buy energy drink not with the brand status but for their necessity, in which Tzinga shoots the bull with their strategy. Personal aspect of consuming Tzinga is based on the fact age and stage in the life cycle, occupation and economic circumstances, personality and self-concept and lifestyle and values.

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