Sunday 6 October 2013

Organisational Buying Behaviour

Organisational Buying Behaviour

Hector Beverages is the parent company of Tzinga. And despite its low price tzinga doesn’t cut corners in its ingreidients. It has the usual suspects like caffeine , taurine and B-family vitamins, while also piling on some exotics like Ginseng and Guarana.
The buying behavior & buying situation of Hector Beverages are
Straight rebuy: In a straight rebuy, the purchasing department reorders bulk supplies such as the chemicals, B-vitamins and the natural exotic ingredients on a routine basis and choose from supplier on a approved list. The suppliers make an effort to maintain product and service quality and often propose automatic reordering system to save time.
Modified rebuy: Hector Beverages in a modified rebuy wants additional participants on both sides and if the out supplier seeks the opportunity they shift the supplier. Which compiles of low price of product and availability of product on time.
New task: Hector Beverages looks for better supplier and when they found larger participant, they gather information and decide the new supplier.
Hector Beverages buying behavior content is vast differ from its consumer buying behavior.
Hector Beverages deals with far fewer, much larger buyers than its consumer do. And because of its smaller supplier base and the importance and power of the larger customer, suppliers are frequently expected to customize their offerings to individual customer base. And whereas customer behavior is limited to its individual choice. Hector Beverages goods are purchased by trained purchasing agents, who must follow their organizations purchasing policies, constraints and requirements, whereas consumer buy the final product. The demand for Tzinga is ultimately derived from its customer demand. The total demand for Tzinga and its services is inelastic, much not affected by the price change but consumer behavior largely depends on price change. The demand for Tzinga and its services tends to be more volatile than the demand of its consumer. The geographical concentration helps Hector Beverages to reduce selling cost, but doesn’t help the consumer behavior as it requires easy availability. 


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